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Comprimato has joined the DPP

Comprimato is pleased to announce that we are now members of the DPP, a very valuable forum for innovative companies like ours.

As an independent body with a global reach, what makes the DPP stand out is that it is not a trade body advocating for vendors, nor a set of users looking to set unachievable standards. It is an open, honest, collaborative body where people can get together and talk things through.

It provides us a real opportunity to be in the same room with people who have completely different roles in the industry, and see if together we can find a solution that benefits us all.

Our strength at Comprimato is in signal processing, and particularly in developing very advanced algorithms that do compression and transcoding better and faster than anyone else. But that is only of value as part of a workflow that delivers practical results for an end user.

That means we are always collaborating, always working with partners, supplying our specialist knowledge alongside multiple other vendors. To do that successfully, we have to understand our place in the infrastructure, other partners have to understand what we can do, and customers have to appreciate the full transformative potential of software-defined architectures.

The best way to achieve that is if we all understand each other, and have a common, standardised, agreed framework – which we know will work – against which we all supply. We see the DPP as a cross-industry forum where we can have those conversations, set those frameworks, and collate the information which will help us all advance.


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