Live Transcoder Available as a Virtualized Docker
Our Live Transcoder is now available as a Docker container for which you pay as you go. The user interface remains the same and can work with the same protocols and video formats – MPEG-TS, SRT, NDI, JPEG2000, and more. It uses Nvidia GPUs with specialized chips for video encoding and decoding.
We have a Docker image available on DockerHub, which you can virtualize on your GPU instances. Its deployment is almost immediate, and you can deploy it both in private and public clouds or private data centers.

Why use Live Transcoder in Docker?
It helps you to be flexible. You pay as you go, which is especially suitable for video production from significant events that take place occasionally, such as sports tournaments, music and theater festivals, big conferences, etc.
It is efficient thanks to using Nvidia GPUs – one graphics card can handle the work of a processor with many processor cores. GPUs allow you to run more streams on one device, so the cost per stream is lower than a CPU.
With Live Transcoder in the cloud, you do not need to own the hardware for the video transcoding physically – you use the cloud provider`s hardware only when you need it, and you pay for the Live Transcoder License only when you use it. Owning hardware is expensive and demanding in terms of dealing with it physically – maintenance, storage, licensing, infrastructure, backup, etc. – using cloud services takes all these issues away from you. Also, Intel plans to increase CPU prices by 20% in 2022.
Live Transcoder in the cloud is:
- Portable. Test it on your workstation with an Nvidia GPU, and deploy it into AWS, Azure, Oracle, and others.
- Scalable. Deploy as many transcoders as you want.
- Fast. Deploy and prototype quickly.
- Cost-effective. You only pay when you transcode.
- Programmable. Control it with an API.
Example use case 1: Send streams to the cloud
- Collect video in your local environment using a locally deployed Live Transcoder, e.g., from cameras, using NDI, SRT, or even SDI with our Bridge Live encoder
- Stream it to a cloud-deployed dockerized Live transcoder using SRT, NDI, or HLS
Example use case 2: Transcode video in the cloud
- Live Transcoder can transcode to a broad range of codecs like H.264, H.265, JPEG2000, or NDI, so you can use it to create a ladder of outputs.
We can give you individual prices according to how many streams and features you plan to use. You can get a demo version to test in your working environment.
How to deploy Live Transcoder docker
It is easy to deploy – you can do it in less than 30 minutes.
- We will provide you with the DockerHub credentials, docker-compose.yml, and license key.
- Run a recommended GPU cloud instance in AWS, Azure, Oracle, etc. – see below.
- SSH to the instance
- Login to DockerHub docker login –username comprimato
- Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
- Live transcoder is controlled by web UI running on port 80 of the instance’s IP address. Log in and start testing.
Live Transcoder requires an Nvidia GPU to run – if you are AWS cloud user, we recommend G4 instances with Nvidia Tesla T4 GPUs. Start with their smallest g4dn.xlarge instance type and use larger if needed. Other cloud vendors support a number of different GPU instances as well, for example, see Microsoft Azure GPU instances or Google Cloud GPU instances. You can find a detailed walkthrough in our Installation Guide.
How to get it?
Please, contact sales@comptimato or fill out the contact form to get started with the DockerHub credentials, a docker-compose file, and a detailed installation guide.
Do you have any inquiries or comments? Get in touch with us and schedule a meeting. We will happily answer any questions you may have.