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Comprimato Demonstrates the Latest Live Broadcast Production Solutions at IBC Show 2024

The IBC Show is one of the largest annual gatherings for media, entertainment, and technology professionals, and IBC 2024 is set to be no exception.

This year, Comprimato is excited to invite you to visit our booth and partner booths where we will showcase our future-proof video encoding and cloud production solutions.

From new functionalities to powerful demonstrations, Comprimato’s innovations will be on full display. Here’s what you can look forward to at IBC 2024.

Announcing SMPTE ST-2110 Decoding Functionality for the Twenty-One Encoder

At our booth, 14.B13, Comprimato will unveil the latest upgrade to our Twenty-One Encoder, which now supports full SMPTE ST-2110 encode and decode functionality, including H.264, HEVC, JPEG-XS TR07, and NDI. This new capability provides broadcasters and media professionals with greater flexibility in handling live IP video workflows, seamlessly integrating SMPTE 2110 feeds into existing production pipelines.

Our team will be on hand to demonstrate how this new feature enables a more streamlined approach to video transport, making your media workflows more efficient and versatile.

We encourage you to visit us at booth 14.B13 to see the Twenty-One Encoder in action, and discover how it can enhance your production environment.

Orchestrating Live Transcoder using Portal by Logic at AWS Booth

In collaboration with Logic and AWS, Comprimato’s Live Transcoder will be showcased in an exciting demonstration at booth 5.C90, powered by Portal by Logic.

This cloud-native solution simplifies the process of remote live production using AWS Elemental infrastructure. You’ll see firsthand how Logic’s orchestration platform seamlessly integrates with Comprimato’s transcoding capabilities, enabling reliable and flexible cloud workflows for media delivery and production.

This demo is a must-see for anyone interested in the future of cloud-based media production.

Vizrt Booth: The World’s First HDR Remote Production in the Cloud

At Vizrt’s booth 10.A41, you’ll witness what may be the world’s first HDR remote production in the cloud.

Comprimato is at the heart of this groundbreaking demo, where our technology is used to encode contribution JPEG-XS feeds into NDI-6 HDR at the edge of the cloud. From there, Vizrt’s Tricaster® Vectar pulls the NDI HDR feeds for visual mixing, creating an entirely cloud-based production workflow.

This demonstration highlights the potential of HDR video in live cloud production environments, showcasing how cutting-edge solutions from both Comprimato and Vizrt are paving the way for the future of broadcast technology.

Imagine Communications: Multi-viewing with live ST-2110 decoding

At booth 1.B73, Imagine Communications will feature Comprimato’s Twenty-One Encoder in another powerful demonstration. Here, cloud-based SRT/TS streams will be decoded by our decoder into SMPTE ST-2110 and send them directly to Imagine Communications’ Multiviewer for preview.

This demo illustrates the flexibility and power of our ST-2110 solution in handling live video streams in cloud-based workflows.

By integrating ST-2110 decode functionality with Imagine’s Multiviewer, we provide media professionals with the ability to bridge any compressed live feed into their ST-2110 infrastructure and build up enhanced production.

Nevion VideoIPath: Cloud Orchestration Capabilities

Last but certainly not least, at Nevion’s booth 13.A10, Comprimato will be featured as a partner in their expanded cloud orchestration capabilities.

Nevion VideoIPath has extended its functionality to include the orchestration of hybrid live production workflows, bridging ground and cloud resources. Comprimato’s software acts as a cloud gateway in these demonstrations, handling the seamless routing and processing of live media between on-premises and cloud resources​.

Partnering with Nevion demonstrates the future of hybrid production workflows, where cloud resources are dynamically spun up and down as needed to minimize costs while maintaining high production standards.

See you at the IBC Show 2024!

IBC 2024 promises to be an exciting event, with Comprimato playing its role in several innovative demonstrations.

We look forward to welcoming you to our booth (14.B13) and showcasing our powerful video encoding and cloud production solutions. Don’t miss the chance to learn how Comprimato can help take your production to the next level.

Make sure to stop by our partner booths, including AWS (5.C90), Vizrt (10.A41), Imagine Communications (1.B73), and Nevion (13.A10), for more exciting demonstrations and insights into the future of media technology.

Meet us at IBC Show 2024


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