Comprimato shoots 4K NAB clip
Prague – Comprimato, the jpeg2000 encoding and decoding software company, is shooting a 4K @60 clip for the NAB show presentation. Comprimato decided to cooperate with jugglig artists to capture a dynamic motion picture in the settings of the Czech capital.
“Our software can decode raw 4K signal at 60 frames per second at very high speeds. We want to give the attendees of NAB a clear demonstration of the performace of our software. That’s why we decided to shoot a clip of our own” said Michal Krsek, the comapny’s head of sales and marketing. The clip will be used as apart of the one-on-one presentations at NAB, added Mr. Krsek.
The short video shows a jugglig act performed by the “Bratri v Tricku” trio. It’s a sequence from their nigh performance “Swimming Bath”. The footage shot on a RED Epic camera at 120 frames per second. A short edit of the clip will be placed on youtube in weeks to some.